
Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile

Why do you need dentures?

Dentures can help you improve your:

  • Chewing ability – with a new set of dentures, you’ll finally be able to eat the foods you love! Dentures also allow you to chew more thoroughly, leading to improved digestion and nutrition. Fitting dentures may also encourage you to eat a more varied and well-balanced diet, further improving your overall health.
  • Aesthetics – your smile is vital to your overall well-being. With new dentures you can smile, be confident and improve your self-esteem. A good set of dentures can go a long way to restoring your appearance and consequently your self-confidence
  • Ability to speak more clearly – dentures will allow the five most important components of your mouth – your tongue, teeth, lips, cheeks and the roof of your mouth to work together properly, resulting in improved pronunciation and the ability to speak more clearly.
    What are the types of dentures?

1. Removable partial dentures

Removable partial dentures are for patients who are missing some of their teeth on a particular arch.
There are 2 types of removable dentures:

i. Cast Metal Partial Denture
The cast metal partial denture is stronger, less bulky and offers a great fit. This partial has a metal framework to which a technician will attach higher-quality denture teeth. Since our special metal framework is made by an outside laboratory, availability of this partial is about two to three weeks.

ii. Acrylic Partial Denture
The base portion of an acrylic partial is made out of (tissue-coloured) plastic. The required denture teeth and metal tooth clasps are embedded in this plastic base. Acrylic partials are typically considered to be less desirable than cast ones (in terms of function, strength, durability and effect on the patient’s natural teeth). They do, however, offer the advantage that teeth can usually be added to the appliance if the patient looses additional natural teeth. The usual reasons for choosing an acrylic partial are its lower cost or that it will just serve some sort of short-duration transitional purpose.

2. Complete dentures

Conversely, complete dentures or full dentures are worn by patients who are missing all of the teeth in a single arch (i.e. the maxillary (upper) or mandibular (lower) arch).

Will dentures make me feel different?

When a new denture is placed in the mouth, the mouth experiences various new things. It is important to remember that the denture is a foreign object to the mouth and it takes a little time for the mouth to get used to all the regular functions like speech, chewing, swallowing and also appearance. It is also common to notice excess salivation in the beginning; however, it will start reducing once you start getting used to the denture.

How long will it take for me to get used to my dentures?

Soreness while wearing the denture is common in the first few weeks. In this case remove the denture and massage the area with your finger and wear it again when it feels better. However, if soreness persists, remove the denture and do not wear it until the day before scheduled review appointment. (We ask that you wear it on the day before the review appointment and the day of the appointment so that the doctor can identify the sore area.)

Can I eat with dentures?

In the beginning, we recommend that you have soft and easily chewable food. Make sure you chew on both sides of the mouth to prevent the denture from tipping. As time goes on, and as you get more and more comfortable with the denture, you can start to eat harder foods. However, please understand although it is best designed to mimic your natural teeth, they are not. The dentures are made of acrylic which is a rigid material and any unnecessary pressure in an unbalanced manner will cause it to break. This includes dropping it on the floor and biting very hard food such as bones

Will dentures change how I speak?

It may be difficult to speak at first, but with practice you should be back to normal. You may want to consider reading and counting out loud (to yourself, your plants, or your pets) to practice speaking with your dentist.

Is there anything I need to do to take care of my mouth?

You will need to take good care of your mouth since you are still at risk for other oral diseases. You should brush your mouth, cheeks, gums, and palate with a soft-bristled brush twice a day. You should also make sure you’re cleaning your dentures as your dentist recommends. Be sure to watch the fit of your dentures and make note of any tenderness or sores that may occur in your mouth. If you notice anything unusual, call your dentist.

Do I need to clean my dentures? How do I care for my dentures?

Yes. You should make sure you clean all of the surfaces of your dentures with a gentle cleanser and soft brush. Take care of your dentures as if they were your natural teeth, they will collect food debris and stains with daily use.
Immerse the denture in denture-cleansing solution or with a cup full of water with a teaspoon of vinegar overnight. You should never use bleach on your dentures as it can lighten the color of the gums – if you notice stains, see your dentist.
Check your dentures regularly for loose teeth, chips, and cracks, if you notice any of these, you should contact your dentist immediately and not wear your dentures. Wearing broken dentures can cause irritation, painful sores, and serious mouth problems.

Is there anything I should avoid with my dentures?

You should avoid very hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that can crack or chip your dentures. You should also avoid abrasive cleansers and bleaching agents as these can cause grooves, weakening, or odd bleaching patterns. Never put your dentures in hot water

Now that I have dentures, do I still need to see my dentist?

Yes. Regular check-ups with your dentist and having your dentures professionally cleaned are extremely important in keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy. Plus, since dentures don’t last forever, it’s good to have your dentist check them and their fit to make them last as long, and be as comfortable, as possible.