How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Teeth?

Oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, especially during pregnancy. This guide explores the correlation between oral health and pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of regular dental check-ups, healthy dietary habits, and dental treatments throughout pregnancy.

Dental Health and Pregnancy: The Connection

Research shows that poor oral health can lead to detrimental health outcomes for both mother and baby. Pregnancy doesn’t inherently cause dental issues. However, changes in lifestyle and bodily processes during this period can increase the risk of dental problems. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are key to maintaining optimal oral health during pregnancy.

Impact of Dental Problems on Fetus Development

Studies have found an association between severe gum diseases in pregnant women and premature birth with low birth weight. Babies born prematurely may face the risk of brain injury and problems with their eyesight and hearing. Therefore, it’s important to have any gum disease treated during pregnancy.

Pre-emptive Oral Care before Pregnancy

The likelihood of dental problems during pregnancy can be significantly reduced by maintaining good oral health before pregnancy. This involves regular brushing and flossing, eating a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco products, and limiting alcohol consumption. Regular dental visits every six months are also recommended.

 Common Causes of Dental Problems during Pregnancy 1

Hormone Changes and Gum Problems

  • Pregnancy hormones can increase the risk of gum problems in some women. If you experience gum problems during pregnancy, getting them checked by a dentist before giving birth is crucial.

 Impact of Vomiting on Teeth

  • Morning sickness and gastric reflux associated with pregnancy can expose your teeth to strong stomach acids. Repeated exposure can damage tooth enamel and increase the risk of decay.

Food Cravings and Oral Health

  • Pregnancy can often lead to cravings for sugary snacks, which might increase the risk of tooth decay. Opting for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits can help manage these cravings and prevent tooth decay.

 Role of Calcium and Vitamin D in Oral Health

  • During pregnancy, the intake of calcium and vitamin D should be increased to cater to the needs of the mother’s body and the developing baby. Good sources of calcium include milk, cheese, and yogurt, while vitamin D can be obtained from fatty fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products.

As you can see above dental care has such a big influence over pregnancy and should be looked after by dentists who understand the impacts that pregnancy have on teeth. Opal Dental is a leading dental practice committed to offering comprehensive oral care services to pregnant women. With a team of highly experienced professionals, Opal Dental ensures that oral health is an integral part of prenatal care.